10 Foods EVERY MAN Should Be Eating For Optimal Health

10 Foods EVERY MAN Should Be Eating For Optimal Health

Perennially men have had an affinity to eat food that would boost their manly drives especially a good physique and the satiate appetite for sex and has been in the quest for different types of aphrodisiacs to enhance that notion.

Overtime different types of food have been identified and have been among the favorite foods that men have consumed even going to great lengths to find the ultimate food that would enhance the quest for such foods.

There are a few common foods that men could take to support this notion and which are freely available without much ado and would keep their egos at optimum levels if they could consume them quite regularly.

It is the hormone Testosterone that provides man his manly powers and an abundance of it is necessary and a regular supply in the body is imperative, if that manly power’s are to be exhibited.

1. Coffee

A cup of coffee brings out the best in a man and it is because of this that the intake of coffee among men are very high as they invigorate no doubt.

2. Pistachios

One of those wonder nuts that could be eaten at anytime and with high levels of energy in it, is considered a good short meal when found wanting in energy. 

3. Almonds

A nut which could be obtained easily and has been perennially on the daily intake of men for its high energy giving properties and has been acknowledged as good for building stamina. 

4. Blueberries

Has been a very favorite among men over the ages and as it is a good rich source of vitamins and other nutritious properties has been consumed in large quantities. 

5. Egg Yolks

This is also a very strong builder of bodily energy and has been consumed due to its easy accessibility and low price and one which could be obtained easily.

6. Walnuts

Of those wonder nuts which gives high energy and also is rich in fatty acids that men require to build a good physique and strength.

7. Avocadoes

A fruit that is known to have energy value and rich in protein and affordable by many. 

8. Salmon

It is always said that a fish diet is a must for men to be healthy and this is just the one they would want to consume.

9. Spinach

A vegetable every man is after and popular for its strong energy giving properties.

10. Cocoa butter 

A favorite of men which could be consumed in a ‘high energy’ giving breakfast and also as a regular snack.  

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