5 Signs of Depression Not To Be Ignored

5 Signs of Depression Not To Be Ignored

Depression isn’t always as evident as frequent crying and overwhelming despair. 

Often, the symptoms are overlooked and ignored since they can be vague and easily mistaken for other health conditions. 

Moreover, depression can feel and look different from one person to another. 

Nonetheless, the person may not notice it at first glance, but their friends and loved ones may. 

Did you know that sleeping too much, as opposed to insomnia, can a symptom of depression? 

That and many other signs, which we will be discussing further in a short while so keep watching. 

So to help you recognize depression, be it in yourself or someone dear to you, learn about these five depression signs that you shouldn’t ignore.

1. Chronic fatigue and exhaustion

Depression doesn’t just drain your emotions, but also your energy. 

As a result, it can prevent you from completing important tasks. 

Exhaustion can be due to poor sleep and/or contribute to oversleeping. 

Furthermore, feeling exhausted all the time can keep you from being physically or emotionally present for significant personal and professional milestones. 

When this happens, it can result in feelings of worthlessness, worsening your depression as a whole. 

2. Trouble falling asleep or sleeping too much

Many automatically think that a strong urge to stay in bed all day is an indicator of depression. 

Sure, that can be the case for most, however, sleeping too much, or hypersomnia, in short, is also a sign of depression, specifically in women and young adults. 

Around 75% of people with depression experience insomnia. 

Sleeplessness isn’t just a result of having a lot on your mind, but rather, depression can also contribute to this.  

3. Restlessness or jitters

Needless to say, depression can make you feel listless and weak. 

But for some individuals, it can lead to restlessness or irritation instead. 

If the depression comes to this, the common indicators are usually pacing, wringing of hands, or the feeling of unable to stay still. 

Although jittery is a common depression symptom, you shouldn’t overlook it as it could be an adverse effect of your antidepressant. 

If so, then your prescriber should be able to modify your meds to fix this side effect.

4. Difficulty in focusing

Depressed individuals commonly experience brain fog. 

Simply put, they are easily distracted. 

Such lack of focus can disrupt your ability to complete tasks and meet deadlines. 

Sadness isn’t always the primary symptom of depression, particularly for older adults who may have difficulty concentrating instead. 

Interestingly, the signs can be the same as those of Alzheimer’s disease. 

Thus, for older adults who are being tested for dementia, it’s important to also get them screened for depression. 

5. Change in appetite

Change in appetite, whether it has to do with eating more or eating less, is another symptom of depression. 

Some people overeat when dealing with depression, while some, usually those with severe depression, lose interest in eating. 

Change in appetite can be due to several reasons, but eating less and less every day for a month can mean your depressed. 

Meanwhile, eating increasingly large amounts of food daily can be a red flag for depression. 

Do those signs sound all too familiar to you? 

If yes, then make sure to seek professional help as early as possible. 

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