7 Signs You Have An Iron Deficiency

7 signs you have an Iron Deficiency

Iron deficiency happens when your body lacks enough mineral iron, which then results in abnormally low levels of red blood cells. 

Iron is a key factor in the production of haemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells that allows them to circulate oxygen around the body. 

Thus, if your body lacks haemoglobin, your muscles and tissues won’t receive enough oxygen and won’t be able to function properly. 

Whatever the cause, being deficient can lead to unpleasant symptoms that can drastically affect the way you live. 

As such, it’s important to keep yourself in check and look out for warning signs of iron deficiency. 

Sometimes an iron deficiency can result in unusually pale skin, so keep watching to find out more on that soon. 

1. Fatigue

Fatigue indicates that your body is having a hard time distributing oxygen to our cells, thus, implicating your energy levels. 

When you lack iron, you often feel weak and sluggish. 

While fatigue can also signify other health problems, have your iron levels checked if you still well extremely tired after resting. 

2. Poor concentration

Considering the kind of technology-driven world we live in today, it’s easy for anyone to get distracted. 

But if you feel like you’re having a more difficult time concentrating than normal, then it could from not having enough iron in your blood. 

Iron deficiency lowers the functionality of your brain, hence, the difficulty in focusing. 

3. Breathlessness

If your body doesn’t have sufficient iron, then it also means there’s not enough oxygen either. 

When this happens, you could feel breathless not just when exercising, but even when performing mundane physical activities like walking to your car. 

4. Unusually pale skin

Haemoglobin provides your skin with a rosy colour, which means, low levels can result in lighter complexion. 

When there are low levels of iron in the red blood cells, they become paler and smaller, leading to paler skin. 

Regardless of your skin tone, if the inside of your bottom eyelids is lighter than usual, low iron may be the culprit. 

5. Swollen tongue

Do you notice weird changes on your tongue like soreness or swelling? 

If so, then it could be a sign of iron deficiency. 

Most people who are iron deficient have a sore, inflamed, and strangely smooth tongue. 

Low in iron can also sap the colour out of your tongue. 

6. Frequent infection

Iron plays an important role in keeping your immune system healthy. 

As such, lower levels of the mineral can make you more prone to infections. 

Red blood cells transport oxygen to the lymph nodes, which contain infection-fighting white blood cells. 

Thus, when you have an iron deficiency, the white blood cells aren’t produced properly, and they aren’t as strong as normal, making your body more susceptible to infections. 

7. Restless legs syndrome

Restless legs syndrome causes a person to have a strong urge to move their legs. 

Some people who are iron deficient have restless legs syndrome. 

This urgent usually comes with an odd, uncomfortable, and crawling sensation in legs. 

As a result, it can be difficult to sleep properly.

Are you experiencing those signs we have mentioned? 

If so, then schedule a visit to your doctor when you can. 

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