How Your Sleeping Position Affects Your Health

Let's face it; everyone knows the importance of a good night's sleep. 

Yes, it's no secret that sleep makes you feel good — it revitalises your body, boosts your mood, banishes under-eye circles, protect your mental health and more!

In a nutshell, it's incredibly important for your health and overall well-being. 

But hey, you should be aware that there's a whole lot more to sleeping than just shutting your eyes and drifting off to dreamland. 

Yes, you might not know this but your sleeping position also has a huge impact on how you feel the following day. In other words, the position you sleep in at night could affect your health in more ways than you can possibly imagine!  Remove from voiceover and video

Want to know how?

In this post, we're going to let you in on up to 5 sleeping positions, explore their pros & cons and of course, leave you to decide which is perfect for you. 

1. Back-sleeper position

Back-sleeper position

Familiar with this sleeping position? Yes? No? Well, just have it in mind that it's one of the best sleeping postures that can work wonders for your health. 

It's also worth noting that the back-sleeper or soldier position is pretty similar to the Savasana pose in yoga. 

Let's quickly take a look at why it's considered to be the best.


• First off, the soldier position is great for your neck, spine, and arms. In other words, the position can help keep them in tiptop shape. 

• Sleeping in this position can help reduce acid reflux. 

 • It cures insomnia and prevents you from experiencing headaches.

 • The soldier position is also great for your skin. How? Well, it prevents facial wrinkles. 


• Sleeping this way may cause lower back pain.

• Suffering from sleep apnea? If yes, you should be aware that this position may aggravate snoring. 

If you want to sleep this way, we'll recommend you do so without a pillow. 

Of course, doing this will ensure that your body remains in a neutral position all night. And yes, it'll also reduce snoring. 

2. Log Position

Log Sleeping Position

This is yet another common position that may be ideal for you. It basically describes sleepers who lie on their side with both arms down. 


• The position keeps your spine straight and aligned.

• Excellent for those suffering from back pain. 

• It can reduce sleep apnea and snoring

• It can also reduce acid reflux.


• Sleeping on your side can cause facial wrinkles.

• It can also lead to saggy breasts. 

• It may also cause neck pain (especially if you fail to support the neck properly). 

Always use a big or fairly thick pillow to support your neck — it's that simple! 

3. Starfish position

Starfish Sleeping Position

Starfish? Well, it's just a fancy name for the variation of the back-sleeper position. In this position, the person lies on his or her back with arms up near the head instead of down by the sides. 


• Great for the spine and neck

• Prevent wrinkles and breakouts

• Curbs insomnia

• It can reduce acid reflux


• It may increase snoring in people suffering from sleep apnea.

• It can lead to both shoulder and lower back pain.

Well, Just keep the pillow away! Sleeping in this position without a pillow allows your head, neck, and spine to rest properly. It'll also be great to switch to the soldier position to prevent yourself from experiencing or developing shoulder pain. 

4. Yearner Position

Yearner Sleeping position

Do you usually sleep on your side with your arms out in front of you? If yes, you're a big fan of the yearner position (a variation of the log). It's important to note that this position shares the same merits and demerits with the log sleeping position. 


• Keeps the spine aligned.

• Help reduce sleep apnea and snoring.

• Prevent neck and back pain.

• It's great for brain health.


• Failure to support the top leg can lead to hip or back pain.

• Its arms out position can put too much pressure on the shoulders and arms thus leading to pain or soreness.

• It may cause facial wrinkles.

First off, we'll recommend taking your arms back to your sides (that's the log position) to prevent upper arm discomfort. You'll also do well to sleep on a satin pillowcase to keep wrinkles away. 

5. Fetal Position

Fetal Sleeping Position

Yes, we get it — this position feels super comfortable. Sleeping on your side curled up into a ball can be so beautiful especially in the cold. But of course, it may not always be the best sleeping position for you. Let's see why.


• Sleeping on the left side can help reduce acid reflux.

• It can reduce snoring.


• The position might not be too good for your spine; it can cause neck and back pain.

• It can lead to skin wrinkles and saggy breasts.

• The extreme curl may restrict deep breathing.

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