5 Bad Habits that Raise Oestrogen levels in Men

5 Bad Habits that Raise Oestrogen levels in Men

Lower testosterone levels and higher estrogen levels? Yes, we get it! And no, you're not alone! Of course, in the world of men's health, basically every one of us know the importance of the hormone, testosterone. 

Testosterone levels, for the most part, affect everything from the male sex drive to muscle mass to bone density to heart health and more. But hey, you should be aware that things may not always stay perfect. 

In essence, there are certain factors (mostly your lifestyle and habits) that can affect your hormonal levels. Of course, at this point, we're talking about the situation where you experience a decline in testosterone levels and an unfortunate rise in estrogen levels. 

Yes, as most of us already know, such changes in hormonal levels only spell trouble — dysfunction, increased body fat, loss of muscle mass, depression just to name a few. 

So what now? Well, now that you're aware of the troubles that come with hormonal imbalance in men, it's only normal to learn more about the habits that are likely to make things go south. 

Of course, you wouldn't want to have (gynecomastia) or erectile dysfunction when you can actually do something about it, right?

With this in mind, here are 5 habits you won't be wrong to change or avoid altogether.

1. Eating too Much Carbohydrate

What can you say about your eating habits? Do you always find yourself eating foods high in refined carbohydrates (bread, cereal, white rice and more)?

If yes, you certainly won't be wrong to figure out how you can cut down on these foods or stop altogether. 

Why? Well, it's only because a diet high in refined carbs triggers insulin resistance and weight gain. 

And of course, increased body fat leads to the production of more estrogen! So yes, the solution here is pretty simple — eat healthily! 

2. Stress

Yes, stress is a normal, unavoidable part of life — we all experience it. 

But hey, you should be aware that excessive amounts of stress only spell trouble. 

Yes, when you experience too much stress, the enzyme, aromatase will begin to convert testosterone into estrogen. 

Aromatase? Well, it's basically an enzyme that produces estrogen by aromatizing androgens (testosterone in this regard). 

With this in mind, it's best you learn how to manage and reduce stress in your day to day life. 

Just don't let life's unpredictable ups and downs get the better part of you. 

3. Not Exercising

Got the habit of sitting around all day doing nothing? Or are you the type who believes exercise doesn't really matter? 

If yes, think again! Of course, today, it's no secret that regular exercise is one of the surest ways to keep your body in tip-top shape. 

In fact, the simple act of working out (regularly) can save you from countless health problems and keep your hormone levels in check. 

But what happens when you choose to stay inactive? Well, you'll only end up getting more fatty tissues in your body and eventually experience a rise in estrogen levels. 

4. Excessive Intake of Alcohol

Yes, we don't really need to talk much on this one! If you're a health conscious person, you'll relate when we say alcohol doesn't go too well with your liver. 

As a matter of fact, long-term use of alcohol can increase one's risk of chronic liver inflammation and liver disease.

For those who might not be aware, the liver plays a crucial role in metabolizing the hormone, estrogen. 

So of course, one can easily tell what happens when it (the liver) gets damaged. 

Yes, your estrogen will be all over the place! Our little piece of advice; cut down on the bottles or better still, stop it altogether. Trust us, your liver will thank you! 

5. Too much Caffeine

Got a thing for coffee? If yes, you're not alone; most if not all of us can't do without our morning cup of Joe. 

But hey, you should be aware that excessive intake can spike estrogen levels — yes, it can!

So, just try not to go overboard with the cups; three a day should be perfect. 

Stay healthy! -

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