5 Most Effective Exercises To Lose Weight at Home

5 Most Effective Exercises To Lose Weight at Home

Let's face it; everyone wants to look great — flat tummy, toned abs, trimmed waist and more. Of course, the ultimate goal here is to figure out how to lose weight and keep it away! Besides eating the right foods and having the right mindset, it's also super important to exercise on a regular basis. 

In fact, there are times when "just" the right workouts can help you get the body of your dreams. 

Trying to figure out where to start? If yes, join us as we explore 5 of the best exercises for weight loss right now.

Of course, you can do every one of them in the comfort of your home! 

Let's dive in! 

1. Squats 

Taking the first spot is squats — a tested and trusted exercise for weight loss. 

For the most part, squats target your core and entire body; and of course, you only see results when you do it correctly. 

  • Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart and at the same time, place your arms at your sides. Keeping your weight in your heels, start lowering your legs and raising your arms out in front of your body. 
  • While keeping your back straight, lower yourself until your thighs parallel to the floor. Try as much as possible to keep your knees aligned with your toes throughout the exercise. 
  • Also, be sure to keep your back straight and chest up throughout the workout. 
  • Just go as low as possible but of course, try to keep your thighs parallel to the floor. 
  • Repeat 3 sets of 15 to 20 reps. 

2. Lunges 

This is yet another exercise that has proven itself to be super effective for weight loss. Of course, you can perform the lunge in quite a number of ways and the good news is, they're all sure to deliver excellent results. 

Here's how to do the plain forward lunge for a start. 

Note: the plain forward lunge targets multiple muscles at once. 

So, of course, it's sure to be your best bet for maximum calorie burn. 

  • Once again, stand straight with feet hip-width wide apart. Now place your hands on your hips and gently take a step forward with your right leg. 
  • Keeping your spine straight, lower your body until your front and back leg form a 90-degree angle. 
  • Now pause and return your right leg to the starting position. 
  • Just repeat the steps above with your left leg. 
  • Repeat 10 times on each side targeting a total of 3 sets. 

3. Explosive Lunges 

Here's a high-intensity variant of the lunge that's meant to work your body and torch major calories. 

Just so you know, this exercise is great for the legs and buttocks. 

  • While standing with your feet together, place your hands on your hips and take a step forward with your right leg. 
  • Bend until your right leg forms a 90-degree angle. 
  • Now jump up and switch your legs mid-air. Then, of course, end with the left leg lunged forward. Remember to switch sides every minute. 
  • Repeat the lunges and focus on completing 3 sets. 

4. Double Jump 

Want something a bit more challenging than regular squats? If yes, do the double jump!

This exercise will get your heart pumping and work your abs, butt, and legs. 

  • Start by lowering into a deep squat and then rise up like as though you're jumping. Just remember to land in a lunge position with your right leg back. 
  • Now, jump from the lunge position and return to a squat. Be sure to keep at it for 45 seconds, switching legs. 
  • Do a total of two sets. 

5. Mountain Climbers 

Last but not the least is mountain climbers; a super effective, heart-pumping workout that targets your calf muscles, chests and arms. As far as at-home exercises go, mountain climbers are one that's sure to burn a whole lot of calories in no time. Let's check it out! 

  • First off, get into a plank position placing your hands under your shoulders. While in this position, be sure to keep your head aligned with your ankles. 
  • With your feet placed a little less than hip-width apart, raise your right knee towards your chest. Of course, you should try to keep the rest of your body rigid throughout the exercise. 
  • Now return to the starting position and repeat the steps with your left knee. 

And that's it! These are five awesome workouts that actually give you a great opportunity to burn calories and feel great while you're at it. 

It's about time to get the body of your dreams!

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