6 Everyday Foods That Destroy Your Body

Everyday Foods That Destroy Your Body

Whether you are trying to eat healthily, boost your immune system, or lose weight, if you are not seeing the results you want, it could be because you are consuming regular, everyday foods that destroy your body and metabolism. This often happens when you think you are consuming a healthy diet, but then end up eating nasty toxins and hidden preservatives. The results of this can be disastrous for your health, causing inflammation, unregulated blood sugar levels, and poor gut health. 

With this said, choosing to eat these everyday foods will destroy your body and cause you to feel fatigued, gain weight, have digestive distress, and see an increase in sugar cravings and calorie consumption. 

1. Refined Grains (Whole Grains)

Although whole grains are considered to be healthy, they are actually associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular conditions including inflammation. 

They also hurt the body by containing gluten (which is often contaminated), sugar, salt, and fortified vitamins which are hard for your body to digest properly. 

Choose bread brands that use coconut flour, or sprouted grains if you can.

2. Fruit Juice

It is absolutely filled to the brim with sugar. Sugar causes your body to get sluggish, have cravings, and become inflamed. 

In addition to this, they don’t contain enough vitamins and minerals to aid your body and will contain high amounts of empty calories. By consuming fruit juices on a regular basis, you are taking in no nutritional benefit. 

Make your own by buying fruit and crushing them down (don’t add sugar).

3. Processed Vegetable Oils

Oils like canola oil and sunflower oil are bad for you because of how they are processed. Canola oil, for example, is genetically modified which can cause changes to your cells when consumed. 

Choose heart happy fats like coconut oil and olive oil instead.

4. Crackers and Pretzels

Not only are these high in sodium levels, as well as empty calories and starches, but they are coated and made in processed vegetable oils. 

When you consume an item that is high in processed vegetable oils, you are harming your heart as well as the rest of your body as these hydrogenated oils will increase bad cholesterol and block the chemicals that fight off inflammation in your body. 

5. Granola based foods

This is often coined as a health food but in reality, granola is pumped with processed grains, sugars, and calories with not much fibre to keep you full. 

In addition to this, the honey used on a lot of these brands is highly processed, coming in very close to corn syrup on the health meter. 

Instead, choose to make your own granola at home with nuts and chia seeds.

6. Artificial Sweeteners

Although beverages with artificial sweeteners are supposed to help you keep the weight off, drinks that have sucralose and aspartame is cleverly disguised. Not only can sucralose and aspartame cause you to have increased cravings for calories but they are linked to health problems like accelerated aging, apoptotic changes in the brain, and blindness. 

If you must have a sweeter drink, choose the all-natural sweetener Stevia.

Other foods to watch out for include fried foods like potato chips and fries, fast-food burgers, bagels, and microwave popcorn! 

Essentially, if the labels on the packaging tell you it’s healthy, it’s probably not!

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