3 Home Exercise That will Slim Your Legs In Just 2 Weeks!

3 Home Exercise That will Slim Your Legs In Just 2 Weeks!

Tired of not being able to slip into those new skinny jeans of yours? If yes, you're not alone. Most of us feel the same but the good news is, it doesn't have to stay that way. Of course, there's no doubt that you've been doing your best to slim your legs and lose thigh fat for quite some time now. 

But unfortunately, you just can't seem to get the results you want — we've all been there. Well, at this point, you should be aware that the right exercise routine is the only way out of this problem. Of course, you'll also want to work on your eating habits while you're at it!

In this post, we're going to explore three short yet effective workouts that can slim your thighs/legs in as little as two weeks. 

Ready to check out these fat-destroying workouts? We're pretty sure you are! 

First Things First — What You Need to Know 

First off, these workouts are effective, but that's only if you stay committed to the plan. In essence, it's crucial to perform each every other day — either after you wake up or before hitting the sack at night. 

The good news? It only takes three minutes to get the job done! So of course, you can be sure of getting those killer thighs anytime soon. 


• The front part of the thighs 

• Back part of the thighs 

• The inner part of the thighs 

Let's get started! 

1. Front Part of the Thighs 

Here's how to do it:

Start by lying on your back and keeping both arms on either side of the body. 

Now raise your legs ensuring that they make a 90-degree angle with your body.

Be sure to keep your knees straight while you're at it. 

Now, bend your knees one after the other, then return your legs to the starting position. 

And finally, remember to keep your knees together and the front part of your thighs tensed throughout the workout.

Repetition: 10 times for best results (each leg). 

Note: this workout targets the front part of your thighs, knees, and abs.

2. Back Part of the Thighs 

Next up is this exercise that should be performed in two parts. 

If done right, you should feel the tension in the muscles of the back part of your thighs.

Here's how to do it: 

The First 

As with the previous exercise, start on your back while keeping your legs raised and toes pulled toward your body. 

Now just hold your knees together and bend them one after the other. 

Always do your best to pull your toes toward your body and ensure your heels reach your buttocks. 

Repetition: 10 times for each leg.

The Second 

Start by lying flat on your back, then raise your legs; ensuring that they're a bit bent at the knees. 

Now make swings with both legs while raising your buttocks and keeping the upper part of your leg tensed. That's it!

Repetition: 20 times

Note: this workout targets the front and back thighs, knees and abs. 

3. Inner Part of the Thighs 

Of course, this exercise starts with you lying your back; while in this position, keep your legs raised and crossed. 

In essence, your right leg should be crossed over your left leg. 

Be sure to keep both legs tensed and pressed against each other. 

Finally, bend your knees to the side to create a pliĆ© movement and then return to the starting position. 

Repetition: 10 times with your right leg and 10 times with your left. Just ensure that both legs are in the upper position.

Note: This exercise works the upper part of legs, buttocks, and abs. 

And that's it! These are three super effective exercises that are sure to give you the killer legs you've always wanted. 

It's about time to look great in those jeans! Good luck! 

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